
2023-08-18 15:13 1676 阅读 ID:1345

本文探讨了面向结构化知识的预训练语言大模型的前沿趋势,重点关注了结构化知识的核心特色和学习方法,以及大语言模型在利用结构化知识方面的表现。以知识图谱为例,本文介绍了我们在 WWW2023 上发表的论文 KGTransformer,强调了结构知识的可迁移模式。同时,本文还初步验证了大语言模型 GPT-3.5 在知识图谱数据推理方面的局限性,表明大语言模型在结构数据学习方面仍有改进空间。








二、 GTransformer-知识结构预训练与提示调优(WWW2023)

2.1 动机








2.2 方法



2.3 实验验证

我们在由wn18rr, fb15k-237,codex组成的WFC数据集上对KGTransformer层进行了预训练,并将其应用于三种任务中,包括三元组分类、零样本图片分类、问答,每种任务所使用的任务图谱均不一样。下面为三种任务的实验效果










这一部分我们尝试使用GPT的in-context learning能力,探索当前的大规模语言模型在理解如知识图谱这样结构化信息的能力。我们首先在一个比较小的Kinship数据集进行探索其链接预测能力(如给定头实体和关系,预测尾实体),我们考虑将实体和关系的周围信息放入pormpt,让LLM尽可能多的理解当前问题中的头实体和关系。但随着知识图谱的增大,实体的周围信息会非常多,很难直接放入prompt中,所以接着我们尝试在一个更大的CoDEx-S数据集上探索,利用类比的方式进行关系预测,利用给定头尾实体间的子图结构预测其关系。

3.1 基于实体和关系周围结构的链接预测

在这个问题下面,我们给定一个知识图谱(如描述亲属关系的Kinship),测试利用LLM回答关于一个链接预测的自然语言问题(如Who is Arthur’s wife?)。


我们使用Kinship数据集(https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/55/kinship),该数据集总共有112条三元组,包含12种家庭关系,例如父亲、母亲、哥哥等。随机分出20%(22条三元组)作为测试,其余的作为背景知识。我们使用gpt-3.5-turbo的API提供LLM能力。我们将该问题分解成多个步骤,包括Parse、Entity Context、Relation Context、Thought和Answer。其中Parse是将自然语言的问句转换成一个三元组的尾实体预测问题,Entity Context提供了问句中头实体的周围两跳三元组,Relation Context提供了问句中关系的一些周围结构,从而让模型对这个关系进行理解。在instruction中我们也做了具体的描述如下:

Imagine you're an explorer on a quest to uncover new connections in a 'Kinship' knowledge graph. The graph's relational set includes: aunt, brother, daughter, father, husband, mother, nephew, niece, sister, son, uncle, and wife.Here's how your quest will unfold:  Parse: Translate a natural language question into an incomplete fact or a triple, like (Entity, Relation, ?).Entity Context: Analyze the two-hop neighbor facts linked to the parsed entity to comprehend its context.Relation Context: Learn about the parsed relation from given examples.Thought: Find useful information from the entity context and relation context to answer the question.Answer: Deliver the final answer to the question.Remember, your aim is to predict new facts using logical reasoning based on the existing facts in the graph. Let the discovery begin!


Here is an example:
Who is Arthur's wife?

(arthur, wife, ?)

[Entity Context]
arthur: arthur's father is christopher; arthur's mother is penelope; arthur's sister is victoria.
victoria: victoria's brother is arthur; victoria's father is christopher; victoria's daughter is charlotte; victoria's husband is james.
margaret: margaret's husband is arthur; margaret's niece is charlotte; margaret's nephew is colin.
… …

[Relation Context]
Around the fact christopher's wife is penelope, we find penelope's husband is christopher. christopher's son is arthur and arthur's mother is penelope. 
Around the fact andrew's wife is christine, we find christine's husband is andrew. andrew's son is james and james's mother is christine. 
… …

Let's use logical reasoning to think step by step based on entity context and relation context. First, we know from the parsed question we're trying to find out who is Arthur's wife. Looking at the Entity Context, we can see a direct statement that "margaret's husband is arthur". This implies that Margaret is Arthur's wife. Confirming this with the Relation Context, which defines how husband and wife relationships work in the knowledge graph, we see several examples of the reciprocal relationship between husbands and wives. For instance, "christopher's wife is penelope" and "penelope's husband is christopher" - this tells us that if person A is person B's husband, then person B is person A's wife. Therefore, applying this reciprocal rule to the fact "margaret's husband is arthur", we can confidently say that Arthur's wife is Margaret.



其中Entity Context和Relation Context表示是否使用了相应的实体和关系周围结构,Surface Form表示是否使用了实体和关系文本信息,如果不使用文本信息,则用编号来代替实体和关系。我们可以看出当同时使用Entity Context和Relation Context的时候,准确率达到0.9。当将Relation Context去掉后,准确率降到0.77,说明LLM并不能完全根据关系的文本信息对关系进行推理,在prompt中添加对关系的结构信息描述可以增强LLM对关系的理解。最后将Surface Form去掉,也就是将原本的文本改为编号后,准确率降为0.55,说明自然语言的表达形式有利于LLM的推理能力的释放。

3.2 基于类比的关系预测

上述3.1中描述的试验方法需要获得问题中头实体的Entity Context(这里取的是周围两跳的三元组信息),这样的方法很难拓展到大规模的知识图谱上。因为在较大的知识图谱中,实体的周围两跳三元组会非常多,很难直接放到LLM中。所以在该问题中,我们考虑给定三元组头尾实体和关系,预测该三元组正确或者错误。因为当头尾实体固定下来后,我们可以根据它们之间的子图结构推断之间的关系,该子图结构远远小于某个实体的两跳周围三元组。



Given a state about two entities and their connected paths, return a judgement about the validity (valid/invalid) of the state.
I will give you some examples about valid states and invalid states, and you can use them to compare.
Here are some valid examples:
ENT0 holds citizenship of ENT1
Connected paths between ENT0 and ENT1, as well as their frequencies:
(1 times) ENT0 was born in ENT2, and ENT2 is located in the country ENT1.
(1 times) ENT0 speaks, writes, or signs in the language ENT3, and ENT3 is the official language of ENT1.
(32 times) ENT0 plays the instrument ENT4, and ENT4 is an instrument played by ENT5, and ENT5 holds citizenship of ENT1
(2 times) ENT0 plays the instrument ENT4, and ENT4 is an instrument played by ENT6, and ENT6 resides in ENT1
ENT14 holds citizenship of ENT15
Connected paths between ENT14 and ENT15, as well as their frequencies:
(1 times) ENT14 resides in ENT16, and ENT16 is located in the country ENT15.
(1 times) ENT14 died in ENT16, and ENT16 is located in the country ENT15.
(1 times) ENT14 is employed by ENT17, and ENT17 is located in the country ENT15.
(1 times) ENT14 is a member of ENT17, and ENT17 is located in the country ENT15.
(1 times) ENT14 speaks, writes, or signs in the language ENT18, and ENT18 is the official language of ENT15.
Here are some invalid examples:
ENT43 holds citizenship of ENT44
Connected paths between ENT43 and ENT44, as well as their frequencies:
(1 times) ENT43 holds citizenship of ENT45, and ENT45 has diplomatic relations with ENT44.
(1 times) ENT43 holds citizenship of ENT45, and ENT45 has diplomatic relations with ENT44.
(201 times) ENT43's occupation is ENT46, and ENT46 is the occupation of ENT47, and ENT47 holds citizenship of ENT44
(15 times) ENT43's occupation is ENT46, and ENT46 is the occupation of ENT47, and ENT47 resides in ENT44
(2 times) ENT43's occupation is ENT48, and ENT48 is the occupation of ENT49, and ENT49 is buried in ENT44
ENT59 holds citizenship of ENT60
Connected paths between ENT59 and ENT60, as well as their frequencies:
(2 times) ENT59 holds citizenship of ENT61, and ENT61 has diplomatic relations with ENT60.
(2 times) ENT59 holds citizenship of ENT61, and ENT61 has diplomatic relations with ENT60.
(1 times) ENT59 holds citizenship of ENT62, and ENT62 is located in the continent of ENT63, and ENT63 is the continent where ENT60 is located
(41 times) ENT59 holds citizenship of ENT61, and ENT61 has diplomatic relations with ENT64, and ENT64 has diplomatic relations with ENT60
(44 times) ENT59 holds citizenship of ENT61, and ENT61 has diplomatic relations with ENT64, and ENT64 has diplomatic relations with ENT60
Please return a judgement about the validity (valid/invalid) of the following state by comparing with previous valid and invalid examples.
Gloria Trevi holds citizenship of United States of America
Connected paths between Gloria Trevi and United States of America, as well as their frequencies:
(1 times) Gloria Trevi is signed to the record label Universal Music Group, and Universal Music Group is located in the country United States of America.
(17 times) Gloria Trevi is signed to the record label Universal Music Group, and Universal Music Group is the record label that Wang Leehom is signed to, and Wang Leehom holds citizenship of United States of America
(6 times) Gloria Trevi is signed to the record label Universal Music Group, and Universal Music Group is the parent organization of Def Jam Recordings, and Def Jam Recordings is located in the country United States of America
(1 times) Gloria Trevi is signed to the record label Universal Music Group, and Universal Music Group contains Interscope Records as a part, and Interscope Records is located in the country United States of America
By comparing the connected paths with connected paths of previous valid and invalid examples, we think the validity (valid/invalid) of this state is



我们首先使用传统的知识图谱表示学习方法TransE进行预测,然后使用我们上面提出的Analogy Prompt,并且使用不同的正负样本数量(如2Pos-2Neg表示两个正样本两个负样本)。可以看出使用LLM相比于传统的TransE在这里并没有优势,并且随着prompt中正负样本的增加,模型的效果并没有有效的提升,说明模型并没有很好的通过正负样本进行类比从而对新的三元组进行推理。

3.3 总结


  • 仅LLM的in-contextlearning能力,其在常见的链接预测任务上总体性能低于TransE这类传统模型。
  • LLM从结构数据中学习新知识的能力较差,在屏蔽掉实体的文本信息之后,LLM的预测能力出现显著下降。
  • LLM的结构类比能力较差,较难从给定的头尾实体间的子图结构归纳总结出关于对于某个关系的预测。








